Category Archives: Carita Sajarah Pajajaran

SUNDA : “Pikukuh Kenegaraan, Kebangsaan, Kemasyarakatan dan kemanusiaan”

SUNDA – (Pikukuh Kenegaraan, Kebangsaan, Kemasyarakatan, & Kemanusiaan)

by LQ Hendrawan on Sunday, 22 April 2012 at 15:46 ·
(Nuhun, kang…)
Gambar mungkin berisi: satu orang atau lebih, kacamata gelap dan topi
Sudut Pandang Pikukuh Sunda Tentang Proses Penciptaan & Dinamikanya,
Bumi Dega 21 April 2012
1. Pitutur para sepuh tentang proses terjadinya Sunda & Planet Bumi
  • Awalnya Yang Maha Kuasa membentuk “Jagat Suwung”, yaitu ‘sesuatu’ yang gelap, kosong, hening. Tidak ada barat, timur, utara, selatan, singkatnya… sebuah keadaan yang sulit terciptakan (cipta = pikir).
  • Tahap selanjutnya Yang Maha Kuasa menghadirkan suatu suara seperti “Tawon Laksaketi”(berjuta-juta tawon) yang berbunyi “Huuuung…”. Dunia ilmu pengetahuan modern menyebutnya sebagai “Suara Kosmik”.

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Rajah Galunggung Dan Siliwangi by LQ Hendrawan

rajah-siliwangi-dan-galunggung-filosofi-kujang-1 rajah-siliwangi-dan-galunggung-filosofi-kujang-2

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Gerakan Kebangkitan Seni Budaya dan Spirit Egalitarian Pakuan Pajajaran Anyar untuk Dunia

12 jam ·

Peringatan Asyura (Suro) Keluarga Besar Pakuan Pajajaran Bogor, Malam Doa, Munajat, Fikr dan Dzikir, Olah Rasa (Intuition) dan Rahsa (Intellectual & Heart Intuition) 1 – 10 Muharram, for the sake of Humanity, Indonesia Nation and Earth Salvation (Rajah Pamunah) / or Istighosah in NU Traditions, or Ruwatan Bumi (Ngertakeun bumi lamba) in harmonize with Sunda art and cultures performance as a spiritual and intellectual media enlightenment, base on Uga Wangsit Siliwangi: Welcoming Pray for The New Golden Age of The World (Pajajaran Anyar).
Doa Shalawat pembuka acara oleh Habib Fahmi Zidane ( Mehdy Zidane) Tommy Sawyer, dan Ayah (Jaro…) dari Kanekes (Baduy Dalam ? Banten) sangat menggetarkan qalbu. Syukron ya Habib… Rajah Pamunah diiringi musik Sunda Akustik Bambu (Calempung, Suling, Kacapi), dll. by Kang Gola Gzhoulla Barghawazd dan Ginanjar Akil and Team. Supporting by all Prabu Siliwangi and Pakuan Pajajaran Imperium Lovers, and khususon by Mama Haji Mukawwa Ali, dan alam syahadah wal ghaib.
Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.
Grup Musik Sunda Buhun Calempung Kang Gola  Bhagarzwadz dan Kang Ginanjar Akil
Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.

Ki Lengser ti Cihideung Pamoyanan Gunung Salak secara simbolik menyerahkan 500 bibit Pohon tanaman keras kepada para Pinisepuh Keluarga Besar Keturunan Pakuan Pajajaran Bogor untuk ditanam di DAS Ciliwung dan Cisadane supaya Jabodetabek tidak Banjir Bandang ke depannya.

Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.

Ki Ahmad Yanuana Samantho (Budayawan-Sejarawan-Filosof/Resi?), Kang Gingin Ginanjar Akil (Pandita-Seniman-Budayawan Sunda)  dan Ki TB Syani (“Kean San-Tang nu kadua?”)

Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.

Mama Ki Haji Mukawwa Ali (Sesepuh Pemelihara Aset Pakuan Pajajaran)

dsc_0017Ayah…….. Jaro Baduy Kanekes Banten


Tari Dewangga



Museum Galery Prabu Siliwangi Pakuan Pajajaran Ciawi-Gadog Bogor



Ahmad SahidinAhmad SahidinMohon diceritakan sedikit Pak biar semua memahami
Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Sambut Bulan Muharram, Mengapa Masyarakat Jawa Menyebutnya ‘Suro’? – Sambut Bulan Muharram, Mengapa Masyarakat Jawa Menyebutnya ‘Suro’?

Tadi malam (2/10), sebagian masyarakat Yogyakarta mengikuti prosesi tradisi ‘Mubeng Benteng’ yang menandakan masuknya bulan Suro atau Muharram dalam kalender Hijriah. Berbeda dengan suasana menyambut tahun baru Masehi, Mubeng Benteng yang berjalan  tanpa alas kaki itu dilakukan dengan suasana sunyi, tidak boleh bicara.  Tidak seperti Sapar (Safar), Rejeb (Rajab), Ramelan (Ramadhan), yang namanya indentik dengan nama-nama bulan Hijriah, nama bulan  ‘Suro’ (sura) tidak demikian. Mengapa bulan tahun baru disebut oleh orang Jawa dengan Suro (Sura)?

Lalu, mengapa pada tahun 1625 Masehi (1547 Saka), Sultan Agung, – pemimpin kerajaan Mataram Islam –  mengeluarkan dekrit untuk mengganti penanggalan Saka yang berbasis perputaran matahari dengan sistem kalender kamariah atau lunar (berbasis perputaran bulan)?

Uniknya lagi, angka tahun Saka tetap dipakai dan diteruskan, tidak menggunakan perhitungan dari tahun Hijriyah (saat itu 1035 H). Hal ini menguatkan fakta sejarah bahwa Islam yang menyebar pertama kalinya di Jawa ialah Islam yang tidak anti-budaya, toleran dan terbuka.

Memasuki bulan Muharram atau Suro dalam kalender Jawa, di Yogyakarta misalnya, sejumlah tradisi atau ritual mulai digelar. Seperti tapa brata atau tapa bisu mubeng beteng  yang berarti berjalan mengelilingi beteng keraton di malam atau 1 Suro. Tidak hanya itu, beberapa hari setelahnya diikuti oleh sejumlah ritual seperti sajian bubur suro,siraman pusaka, labuhan dst.

“Tradisi menyambut Muharram atau “bulan Suro” merupakan hal yang menjadi salah satu budaya penting bagi masyarakat Muslim Jawa, baik yang berdomisili di Jawa maupun yang sudah hijrah (transmigrasi dan bermukim di pulau lain),” kata KH. Muhammad Sholikhin, tokoh Nahdlatul Ulama asal Boyolali.

Seperti diketahui, sebagian masyarakat masih meyakini ‘efek mistis’ bulan ini seperti larangan atau pantangan melakukan pernikahan, apalagi kegiatan yang bersifat ‘pesta’. Sedemikian sehingga bulan yang dianggap sakral ini, nyaris diisi dengan ritual-ritual keprihatinan.

“Namun mengenai kekeramatan bulan Suro bagi masyakat Islam-Jawa, lebih disebabkan oleh faktor atau pengaruh budaya kraton, bukan karena “kesangaran” bulan itu sendiri” kata Kiyai Solikhin

[Baca: Benarkah Dimensi Mistis Islam Jawa dari Hindu?]

Karena itu, asal usul tradisi ini pun, menarik dikaji lebih mendalam. Dari mana dan bagaimana bisa sampai diperingati secara khas dan turun-temurun oleh masyarakat Jawa, khususnya Yogyakarta, meskipun kini terlihat tenggelam oleh zaman yang dikatakan modern ini.

Menurut Kiyai Solikhin, kata “Suro” sebenarnya berasal dari kata “Asyuro” dalam bahasa Arab yang berarti “sepuluh”, yakni tanggal 10 bulan Muharram. Ditetapkannya 10 Muharram atau Asyuro sebagai nama awal bulan dalam kalender Jawa memiliki arti yang sangat penting. Dari keseluruhan peribadatan dalam Muharram, yang paling populer adalah ritual pada hari Asyuro, atau hari kesepuluh bulan Muharram. Terkadang juga, kata Kiyai Solikhin, ditambah dengan satu atau dua hari sebelumnya (tarwiyah = 8, hari kedelapan dan tasu’a = 9 ), dan juga ditambah pula satu hari sesudahnya (tanggal 11).

Di sisi lain, menurut Budayawan Ki Herman Sinung Janutama, peristiwa 10 Muharram memiliki banyak peristiwa besar sejak ribuan tahun sebelumnya. Dari Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Isa, dan hijrah Nabi  Muhammad lalu akhirnya sampai peristiwa yang memprihatinkan, yaitu wafatnya cucu kanjeng Nabi dengan kesatria, Sayyidina Husain, di padang Karbala itu. Dalam lidah orang-orang Jawa dahulu, kedua cucu Nabi itu juga populer dengan sebutan Kasan (Hasan) dan Kusain (Husain).

Begitu pentingya pesan Asyuro sehingga, oleh Sultan Agung, bulan pertama dalam kalender Jawa dinamakan Suro. Disamping Suro sendiri, dalam bahasa Kawi, artinya “keramat” atau “sakti”, kata Ki Herman.

Ritual di bulan Suro bagi masyarakat Jawa terbilang cukup padat. Dari malam pertama bulan Suro hingga hari ke sepuluh termasuk setelahnya memiliki hari-hari yang memiliki nilai kesakralan. Di hari yang diyakini sakral itulah, masyarakat Islam Jawa, termasuk di Yogyakarta menyikapinya dengan berbagai ritual yang merupakan tradisi turun temurun. Dan salah satu yang paling populer adalah, tradisi bubur Suro.

Warga masyarakat di sekitar membantu memasak dan penyajian bubur Suran di Pura Pakualaman

Dalam karyanya, ‘Misteri Bulan Suro Perspektif Islam Jawa’ (2010), Kiyai Solikhin menjelaskan dua tafsir bubur Suro yang umumnya terdiri dari dua warna ini. “(Pertama) untuk mengenang kesyahidan, maka dibuatlah sedekah dalam bentuk bubur merah dan putih sebagai simbol keberanian Husain membela kebenaran. Ada juga yang menafsirkan bubur merah dan putih sebagai simbol dari Hasan-Husain sebagai cucu kesayangan Rasulullah sehingga dalam kenduri yang berhubungan dengan kelahiran anak, umumnya kedua macam bubur ini disajikan.”

Di sisi lain, peristiwa hijrahnya Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad yang lolos dari kejaran musuh merupakan peristiwa yang paling berpengaruh dalam tradisi Suro di Yogyakarta, sedemikian sehingga menurut Ki Herman Sinung Janutama, inti bulan Suro adalah keperithatinan atau ikut merasakan keperihatinan kanjeng nabi dan keluarganya.

Kembali pada “Mubeng Benteng” menyambut bulan Suro. Tradisi ini dilakukan berjalan kali dari dalam kraton ke pojok beteng wetan – pojok beteng kulon – kemudian kembali lagi ke dalam kraton. Saat melaksanakan Mubeng beteng, tidak boleh berbicara selama tradisi berlangsung sehingga tradisi ini disebut juga tapa brata atau tapa bisu. Menurut beberapa pendapat, masyarakat yang ikut dalam kegiatan ini percaya, jika berhasil (ritualnya) maka apa yang diharapkan terkabul.

Tembang Macapat yang merupakan lagu bahasa Jawa diambil dari ayat kitab suci menjadi pendahuluan prosesi baku Mubeng Benteng memperingati Tahun Baru Jawa, 1 Suro. Tembang macapat ini dilantunkan oleh dua orang prajurit pilihan Kraton Yogyakarta. Tembang ini untuk  memantapkan niat masyakarat yang ingin dan akan melakukan ritual  Mubeng. Ada beberapa surat Al Qur’an  yang ditembang khusus dalam bahasa Jawa. Prosesi laku Mubeng Benteng biasanya dimulai pukul 21.30 waktu setempat dengan prosesi pertama; melantunkan tembang.  Tepat pukul 00.00, para peserta prosesi Mubeng benteng mulai melangkahkan kakinya yang tanpa alas kaki itu bertepatan dengan pergantian tahun baru Jawa. []

(Baca: Jawa Sejati Muslim Sejati (Telaah 7 Tapa Ki Ageng Suryomentaram)]

Nurjanah LailaNurjanah Lailaasyura nusantara

Foto Profil Antonio Roberto
Antonio Roberto,   27 September pukul 18:52

The Age of Partnership May End Competition

A-Salaam Alaikum – (Peace be upon you)
Wa-Alaikum-Salaam (and unto you, peace)

Shalom // Salaam // Peace

MAY PEACE BE UPON ALL OF EARTH>> Which, in Bond and purity, in JOY and UNION, shall receive this New Era in harmony.

It is, after all, the ERA of integration, and so shall be the ERA OF PEACE among the Nations //. among all mankind. Reunited into one common quest. SUSTAINABILITY.

It will be, even according to prophecies, one era of PEACE and of LIGHT – Wisdom.
Mankind will be, again, holding dear the true values. Those are sustainability, resources, sharing, peace.

And all Abrahamic (monotheistic) religions and all Multiple gods religion will again live togethre with their essence, Paganism.

This ultimate peace in this war that extends for millennia will be accomplished without fear and without prejudice, what undermines any relation, and communication.

In the past, it had destroyed this wold. And it continued inhabiting the darkness for ages… We are now REASCENDING into light, into Golden Age, back again!!


.. and the WORLD IS GAINING CONSICIENCE – even the animals and the machines are… Funny, this. Even we, ourselves, everyday, gaining conscience, awareness. And so, peace and resolution results, compromise. And the environment is saved.

as are all the other religions.. the othe languages of this DIVERSE world. Be it in peace under one // or many gods. – or even unfder ONE GOD WHO IS ALSO MANY...

As in PANCASILA teaches.. different views they are .. MAy they coexist for the COMPLETION — DIVERSITY – our major value…

Now, HEAR THIS all seekers of light. truth..wisdom..
The wise has no prejudice. We shall JUDGE in the end. after being in the know.

ALL RELIGIONS ARE GOOD> All superstitions are valid. All good intentions produce good deeds.


Through RELIGION /.we all are RECONNECTING ..(Religion – from Latin “religare”. = “reconnect”

and we all are gaining conscience.. evolving in this Process. in exchange, connection..>
we all benefit from COMPASSION, company, communication, communion, >> Community “Like one Unity”.. So be it.

the purpose of every religion is to REUNITE us in peace>>
to REUNITE us and integrate us to the DIVINE >

and they were made NOT to divide us., but to divinize us.. inspire. co-inspire.
not to “conspire”. Religion is good. some man are evil and may distort even the good things. our ignorance lets us see not . the THE WORLD IS GOOD> essentially. most of it ( 90%) religious, faithful…


Together we are in the QUEST FOR TRUTH THAT SHALL SETS US FREE like Jesus Christ said.

The Prophets of all times have always helped in returning the pack to the path….

Long Live the Prophet.


the most important thing is to know SOURCE> SOURCE is TRUTH .,. .
and truth is SOURCE IS SUNDA>>
and THE WORLD HAD ONE SINGLE SOURCE>>> which now lie sfragmented, waiting for RECONNECTION . of its particles into ONE body.

the common cradle / source of Humanity.. of all races and religions

as we know SOURCE .. we realize we ALL CAME FROM A SINGLE SPOT — SUNDA>> and SUNDA come sto free us all .. with INSTRUCTION and to avoid DESTRUCTION .

Sunda is the COMMON CRADLE of all races.. it is the true set of the Bible..
it is the cause of current disrupture in the world .
it is the source of current loss of memory.. ( ORIGIN = ORIENT )
So in need of ORIENTATION>. ( Orient – Origin – is what Orients us ..)

WE NEED HOME LAND . to orient us back again . we eneed ancestral wisdom., we need the FATHER / MOTHER LAND

the true cradle of all Abrahamic races.. .the true cradle of Abraham.. of Atlantis and of science SUNDA is the true model for the world and for the Muslims.. to REUNITE them into ONE PEOPLE >. and to reunite them further to the world ..


INDONESIA shall come forward as a MODEL of MODERATION>>>

as it is the ONE and TRUE source of our heritae, our wisdom, it should RECOMPOSE itself.. SHOW its true value. and DIRECTION ..
for the sake of the world .. yes.

Come on . INDONESIA> come forward. REUNITE / TEACH US HOW .

The MUSLIMS need an immediate orientation in the whole world ,. they need to learn ACCEPTANCE and value DIVERSITY and PEACE as Abraham intended – Long Live the Prophet.

Indonesia is a model of Republic, of politics, dfiplomacy and laws… as it created in the dawn of times… when it createed the profound concepts of SANGHYANG and of UNITY IN DIVERSITY>> of PANCASILA .. the many “Faces of Brahama”. and a concept so advanced tht can make for the whole world to recover / integrate /harmonyze…

One “MODEL” (PARADIGM) that allows for the ultimate PEACE> one WORLD PEACE> that MUST come from the Muslims and Jews together, in order to AVOID A NUCLEAR WAR that could take place in this world, again.

In the last nuclear war that decimated the world, divided and made it lose its memory, the one war that created the Great Flood and the separartion of INDONESIA a great CONTINENT into miryad of islands… .. was due to the wickedness of man the past… the wrath of the gods (Volcanoes) have caused a Mega Tsunami of World proportions and the end of the Ice Age…

and to KNOW THIS .. that the world has been destroyed in a Nuclear War, will save us from happening again… This knowl;edge of the past only will prevent this in our future.

such is the importance of knowing this story..


Now .. PEACE is what the Christians, Muslims and Jews claim in their preach..
PEACE BE UPON YOU = (Wa-Alaikum-Salaam) = (Shalom) = Pax

all these three religions, Muslims, Jews, Christians, desire essentiallty “PEACE” = ( PAX , SHALOM , SALAAM, etc…)

Now . this saying of millennary origin is the compliment that binds people ..
PEACE> YOU … YOU + PEACE>> it has been like this for many millennia.

PEACE BE UPON YOU… the raising of the White flag…

since early times .. there were only two options for man, or for Nations:
PEACE or WAR>>>> a matter of choice, of times.. of wisdom >
a matter of choice.. .partnership or competition… that went throgh the ages

And there were the two possible FLAGS to be raised> a WHITE FLAG of peace (water) and a red flag of war (fire) .


Only Indonesia has its Flag, esesntially superior Half Red (Fire) and inferior half White (water)… That is the same as the symbol of the Jews, the star composed of two inverted triangules, the portrait of God, jut like the Yin Yang, showing a dual essence…


now >..Where there is . FIRE and WATER .. we have the DRAGON and the TIGER >. or we have SANGHYANG >. the true marrying principles… of OPPOSITE FORCES >> (WAR and PEACE)

this is the very essnce of ALCHEMY .. the marrying of oppposite complementary principles..

times of war alternate with time of peace,..


the ERA OF COMPETITION is over. We now enter the AGE OF PARTNERSHIP .. the Age of Share.. WE WIN!!!

and races bond..(for a RACE is a RUN while HUMANITY is “ONE UNITY” ).. and in time we converge to see. ALL OF US QUEST THE SAME and BOND is sure to happen
than when our intelligence integrates all again .. reintegrates ourselves. integrates the New Era.. the Planet evolves..

in time .. we ENCOUNTER ..PEACE .. and live together in harmony.. war ceases top be mandatory . we profit from PARTNERSHIPS> more than from WARS>>

Just as promissed by the Prophets.. a New Dawn to humanity.. a time of peace and consideration .. a time of truth and much learning ..

in the end.. .All gods are good. As they come and go .. in time.. Only the Supreme truth lasts ..and that is . .certainly. LOVE> and truth is source is one .. source is Sundfa..
Only thee we can find the lost love and end this quest for our common Paradise..

May Allah Blesss your ways enormously.



Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariRahayu ❤️🌹
Ginanjar AkilGinanjar Akilwish you there with me, Ahung, Rahayu suasti astu nirmala seda malilang ❤️🌹
Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoDoa Shalawat pembuka acara oleh Habib Fahmi Zidane ( Mehdy Zidane) Tommy Sawyer, dan Ayah (Jaro…) dari Kanekes (Baduy Dalam ? Banten) sangat menggetarkan qalbu. Syukron ya Habib… Rajah Pamunah diiringi musik Sunda Akustik Bambu (Calempung, Suling, Lihat Selengkapnya
Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.
 Lambang kerajaan Pakuan Pajajaran Anyar (?)
Foto Ahmad Yanuana Samantho.
Nurjanah Lailaasyura nusantara
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariRahayu ❤️🌹


Ginanjar AkilGinanjar Akilwish you there with me, Ahung, Rahayu suasti astu nirmala seda malilang ❤️🌹


Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoDoa Shalawat pembuka acara oleh Habib Fahmi Zidane ( Mehdy Zidane) Tommy Sawyer, dan Ayah (Jaro…) dari Kanekes (Baduy Dalam ? Banten) sangat menggetarkan qalbu. Syukron ya Habib… Dan Du’a (dunga) Rajah Pamunah diiringi musik  Akustik Bambu Sundadsc_0017 (Calempung, Suling, Kacapi), dll by Kang Gola Gzhoulla Barghawazd dan Ginanjar Akil and Team. Suporting by all Prabu Siliwangi and Pakuan Pajajaran Imperium Lovers, and khususon by Mama Haji Mukawwa Ali, dan alam syahadah wal ghaib.
Mehdy ZidaneMehdy Zidane: ” Sesungguhnya makna tawasul itu mengundang nama2 orang yg disebutkan di dalamnya. Saya sendiri tidak punya arti apa-apa kang, maka itu supaya saya punya arti apa-apa maka selayaknya saya tawasul (mengundang) kehadiran para manusia pembebas kemanusiaan dari kemunafikan dan penindasan. Saya berharap semoga paguyuban urang sunda menjadi wadah yg diridhoi mereka alaihissolatu wassalam. Terutama wa bil khusus untuk Mama, Kang Ahsa, Kang Wawan, dan Kang Syany. Semoga pemikiran mereka yang akan mengembalikan kejayaan negeri pasundan. Amin”
Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoAhuung,,, Allahu Akbar, Subhanallah wa hamdulillah.
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariVery nice overview on Sacred Sunda Music Culture Kang Ahmad Yanuana Samantho Rahayu Sagung Dhumadi _/|\_ Hatur Nuhun
Mehdy ZidaneMehdy ZidaneSemoga Allah menjadi saksi, tadi malam ane seperti menemukan keluarga baru. Dengan semua corak warna penampilan tapi satu spirit yaitu kembali kepada hakikat kemanusiaan, kemanusiaan yg ane maksud bukan humanisme loh, tp lebih dari itu… karena humanisme belum bisa menjawab apapun pada akhirnya, humanisme masih meninggalkan PR besar, tapi kemanusiaan yg ane maksud adalah obat instat sejwnis penisilin bahkan lebih dahsyat, untuk mencegah manusia berubah menjadi setan (illuminati)
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariBeautiful Kang Mehdy Zidane#ALLHUMANUNITY Ahuung Tatya Ahuung 🙏🏼
Pontjo WidodoPontjo Widodo Pntn wengi teu tiasa ngiringan…Mugi acarana berjalan lancar sesuai target demi Kamaslahatan Umat. Aamiin YRA.
Pontjo WidodoSukses acaranya ya Toy …!?.
Herman W LennonHerman W Lennonnaon sih ieu? kegiatan Alumni nya? teu kabar2 ka sy euy…hehehe
Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoAlumni smpn2 1980 yg udah tersedot alam ghaib ruhiyah
Herman W LennonHerman W Lennonhahahaha…di alam dzohir geus teu diaku meureun Toy..jadi lumpat ka alam ghoib.
Ginanjar AkilGinanjar Akilhatur nuhun kang Ahmad Yanuana Samantho, urang tiasa tepung lawung, mugia teras urang ditangtayungan ku nu rahayu, Ahung tatya ahung 🙏
Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoPan alam ghaib (spiritual) yg menggeraknya dan menghidupkan alam dzahir kang Herman W Lennon, masa dikau lupa?
Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoPontjo Widodoo, insya Allah akan rutin
Pontjo WidodoPontjo WidodoInsha Alloh lain wkt ikutan Toy …

WilmurianWilmurianHeuheuheu sae pisan kang Ahmad Yanuana Samantho, mugia tradisi Sunda tiasa janten nafas kahuripan sadayana….

Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoAhuung,,, Allahu Akbar, Subhanallah wa hamdulillah.
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariVery nice overview on Sacred Sunda Music Culture Kang Ahmad Yanuana Samantho Rahayu Sagung Dhumadi _/|\_ Hatur Nuhun
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana PurbasariBeautiful Kang Mehdy Zidane#ALLHUMANUNITY Ahuung Tatya Ahuung 🙏🏼
Pontjo WidodoPontjo WidodoPntn wengi teu tiasa ngiringan…Mugi acarana berjalan lancar sesuai target demi Kamaslahatan Umat. Aamiin YRA.

Pontjo WidodoPontjo WidodoSukses acaranya ya Toy …!?.

Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana SamanthoAlhamdulillah. Pada saat yang sdama siang hari 1 Muharam tahun 1950 Caka Sunda di Masyarakat Adat Sunda Wiuwitan di Cigugur Kuningan, ini laporan Kiriman Kang Tharyana Sastranegara


dan di Suklabumi di Padepokan Giri Tresna Wangi

15 Komentar
Suncana Diana PurbasariSuncana Diana Purbasari May peace be upon us all.. Shanti OM Salam, Shalom, PAS, PAX..
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto yes dearest light among all souls

as MODEL sees MODEL> Lihat Selengkapnya
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto what we seek?? PEACE >.SHALOM = SALAAM = PAX upon us all


ISLAM = ISLAND = all seek a far iso – isolated land .. ISLAND >

oh .. one source. EDEN = ATLANTIS = PARADISUS > = POSEIDONIS > = ATALAN – AZTLAN -= AVALON = AVA = ancestral LAND ATA Tower LAnd = Volcano Land . + FIRE LAND or FIRE ISLAND = EDEN – Land of ADAM /./

quest is same .. brothers.. . we ar e. .source .ONE . and seen . .we see. love. shgare. common wisdom . and completion in UNION . in UNITY in DIVERSITY > .waht we shall all vlaue


My God . .sorry for the Basphemy.. . gur ONE = TWEO = THREE and so on ..

we all shall know GODS =GOD ,
One is MANY . == MANU == “many”..
ALLAH // JEHOVAH = aspects.. of same BRAHAM .. “the ALL> .. or PAN . .the true god of Atlantis ( The All…= the Universe.)) > Nothing would be major .. well.. than Braham ./. so .
Abraham = “Full of ” Brahama.. . like he had enough… .
and commenced “valid”: concept of ONE single God.. but in time . .ignorance allowed for prosecution of those who liked other options .. and PEACE was undermined.,

PAN>. turned into the DEVIL. .SATAN . LUCIFER ><creaed i nsuch fall of Adam . (the perfect Humam..) (ADAM = Heb. for “Human Race”)

anyways .ARABS (MUSLIMS) and JEWS YAVEISTS and as well CHRISTIANS .. are all ABRAHAMISTS . that is they share Abrahamic religions ..
who view “One”,, God., . .but sees it as both TWO (Father and SON ) .. as sees it as three ( and Spirit…)

originally .. there were . .SUN . . and MOON religion .. now . Allah was female in the past.. now .. people ignorant of such consdier it blasphemy

Ignorance enslaves the females.. and the distinguishes races . always . prejudice..

it is all one INFINITE UNIVERSE — ONE VERSE .. yet it repeatds cycles it is a PARDIGM of PARDOXES>
for One is other.. inverted. always . in seek of completion. conversion… reversion. .version. diversion .. Universe.. .a MIRROR .. diverts. universe, made of such verse.


I mkean .. that is beautiful .. I may even cry . (fake.) .. I am crying for other reasons…
oh sentiment.

WilmurianWilmurian Wow beautiful mind of u Antonio Roberto, sometimes there was relation words as symbol of language. That’s why in post modernism ,”language” is fundamental issue in cunstruction of Civilization .
Wilmurian Yes, kind hearted you Words begun it all In the beginning it was the word
Many religions for there are many souls on many languages
When the One is many
All is many
Many languages… Many religions

Union in One

WilmurianWilmurian Unity in Diversity… yes it is true Antonio Roberto
Ahmad Yanuana Samantho
Tulis balasan…
Joanne L MclaughlinJoanne L Mclaughlin Peace – a wonderful dream – when we DO have the threat of nuclear war destroying our planet. I believe in the dream and try to live the part the best I can.
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto only after loss. dear, value i given . 
only in lack.. in repent .. we may ever see true value.Lihat Selengkapnya
Ahmad Yanuana Samantho
Tulis balasan…
Lynn Bentley
Lynn Bentley Peace to us all🙏🏻
Antonio Roberto
Antonio Roberto YES><

to u sall. or . if to some .. it is war still. . .Lihat Selengkapnya

Suncana Diana Purbasari membalas · 1 balasan
Lynn BentleyLynn Bentley In the early 1970’s I remember being so disillusioned by the the judgement in many organized religions I wore a gold chain with these three symbols on🙏🏻❤️
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto Secret=Sacred

The Secret os The secretion from The pineal gland
This transcends religion It reunited to source. Reconnects to truth
Secret of the nations is pineal secretion
As is Atlantis story. The one that allows for reaching secret
Secret is religion
In its origin.
Origin. Orient
Origin Sunda. Model to the world to rescue true religion
In Union in diversity, Humanity is one unity
Secret of the nations allows for vision
It is the holly Grail
The holly ark of the covenant the highest treasure on earth
Ahmad Yanuana Samantho
Ahmad Yanuana Samantho…/a-new…

When the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus proposed nearly five hundred years ago that the sun, not…
The trasncenbdental process – discvoery of Early Sunda / Lemuria – also a technology of Atlantis.. is what allows man to become a god, a divine being …
better put.. it is the code or set of codes that allow for MAN’s MIND to achieve AWARENESS>

Now ,. this said… AWARENESS – understood as CONSCIENCE>> we notice that – for the anceint .. Man would be born unaware, develop into a senscient being as he grosw.. and later ..AFTER A RELIGIOUS PROCESS mature conscience and be REBORN . into ahigher state.. and an IMMORTAL STATE><
Now . this is cool .. . and is behind ALL RELIGIONS >. Z(religion = reconnet = reunite…)
Same as one YOGA .. the religious process aims to RESTORE conscience to man’s mind..
Yoga and Religion are the ways ( paths) to reach UNDERSTANDING . and VISION .. and realize the IMMORTAL nature of the spirit.
This i dur to the fact that .. in this material life., we are all immersed in one ILLUSION ( MAYA)

This material life is a specie sof a dream… happening in MIND onoly .. and not in “reality”>

This illusory process called Maya was greatly mastered by the ancient .. and we can see .. ALL OF THEIR DEEDS TALK ABOUT IT >

all tefhnology and science of the ancienmt was greatly spiritualized ..

for thsis reason .. our scientists do not fully undertstand and take it as lesser value

WilmurianWilmurian “all tefhnology and science of the ancienmt was greatly spiritualized”…. this is true Antonio Roberto, quotes highly relevant and reasonable. and I think there was a parameter and a degraded standard knowledge until now. knowledge is limited and not optimal. as if it were not allowed beyond the capabilities ….
Suka · Balas · 1 · 26 menit
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto we will be soon restored .. a sPREJUDICE vanishes and we accept . .we .. and the planet .. are made of TWO HALVES> Two parts that need to be reunited 

as we REUNITE > .the two parts.. in us .>
SOUL AND SPIRIT >. we are entering the realm of NON MAYA > and truth shows .>
NOW BEHOLD >> TRUTH WAS NEVER SHOWN> for we all strive in MAYA . illusion.. however .. as we grow .. as we MATURE >. w eWAKE UP>

We all do.. in time ..
I have never heard of anyone who stayed sleeping forever..
So.. people are now seeing .. and learning about SUNDALAND PARADISE > .and its truth .. and restoring . it .. we will all have IMMOSRTAL LIFE >
So .. we wil have plenty of time to meet one day.. upfront .
certainly it will be nice to meet all you .


Suka · Balas · 1 · 9 menit
WilmurianWilmurian Antonio Roberto … perhaps soon.
Ahmad Yanuana Samantho
Antonio RobertoAntonio Roberto MAYA – The Illusion – is a concept that shows our mind strives in one illusion .. .a dream..
Mind develops conscience NONLINEARLY >.that is .. it grown .. than .. it matures.. it CHANGES>> or what we call TRANSCEND> ( modify functioning that is .) MInd AWAKES, sooner or later.. as process of coding is done .. instruction ( instruction = construction of mind…)

MIND MATURING ( or trasncending) is a “quantic” or “quantum” process.. and can indeed be named this way for it requires a CRITICAL MASS OF INSTRUCTION to be reached for the process to take place.
Mind requires an INITIATION . . as told in tradition.. millennarly..

process MINID recover REMEMBER > become a god ( immoratal) /./. for DEATH ITSELF IS THE ILLUSION>. .as time is ..

time reverses.

Atlantis story .ascension – recver ..
Just like AStlantis story .. the TRASNCENDENTAL process. done via ALCHEMY (trasnmutation) of the soul..and spirit .. is the BONDING of these two!! Beholsd .. it is that MIND – MAYA is ambiguous and the AMBIENT is a Paradox. so mind creates paradigms. to understand .. to disambiguate..

The path / aim of alchemy is to recreate paradise. ( restore Atlantis . )
all relgions talk about PARADISE ( PARADESHA / PARADESA = “FAR” “ISLAND”) ..

The ISLAND we all look for is AL JAZEERA >. as ARysio demonstrated . AL JAZEERA – The Paradise is also EL JERUSALEM of the Jews. ( they also come fromm Bromo / Abramo Abraham (Abraham = Full of Brahama or No-Brahaman – the father og teONE GOD RELIGION)

PARADISE = “FAR ISLAND” – FIRE ISLAND – The LAnd of Fire… it is NUSA – the ISLAND . / CONTINENT>. .we all search for . .outr Atlantis . or EDEN . the LAND OF the ANCESTRAL> to restore ancestry and peace . is the supreme goal of the instruction they left..

Alchemy represents this the true religion of Atlantis. that allows man’s mind to become that of a god. ( immoratal) thus reaching eternal life . approximating from ADAM again . restoring .. just as promissewd by the Holy Books . and REACH PARADISE in lfe . .without needing to experimenting death ( this done in MIND – when illusion is voided./ )

Now .. the Brahmic religions have multiple gods . and the Abrahamic religions have one single god that could divide himself or not.. in a triad.. ( Like Son , Father , Spirit)

religions .. basically SEEK FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF PARDISE > ( a tauma humanity carries for the last 11600 years ..)
religions ar eindeed the serts of wisdom . and tradition .. values that allow for RESTORING consciece (and reach IN LIFE Paradise)

this .. is done via PINEAL GLAND ACTIVATION .. oer making the SECRETION (Secret of the nations)

this transmutation process ( Alchemy proper) what is done in MIND .. is something very “secret ( Secret = “sacred”) and its all about the SECRETION . of the pineal glan d. as said.

this process is not purely religious a.. it is pure science ..
however .. accompanies mythology and more.

it requires MODEL>. or that is INSTRUCTION>>>
and this can be found scattered around all religions . ..all coming from one ORIGINAL one ( ORigin = Orient = Model = Orients…)

Now .. ORIGIN ( Sunda) lies sleeping in a dream.. caused by the loss and the collonization.>
model Sunda has to wake up and come forward. Model RELIGION . causses world to reach PAradise. RECONSCTUCT iT> as we see it was very real.. and actually this earth not in another ethereal realm .

PAradise ( House of God) construction ( Reconstruction) is supreme aim of religion.
This is equivalent to the wake up.. to the conscience restor propesed by ALCHEMY ( and MAGIC) and also RELIGION (and Yoga…) that is a RESTORE> RECONNECTION .. “reunion”. as in Yoga = “Reunion”

All these concepts were originated in ORIGIN (SUNDALAND = EDEN)

Muslims and Jews and Christians ( most of the relgious world) believe in this aspect s of God. Prophets. .and in th ewconcept of ADAM>>
ADAM the pure – same as PURUSHA – JESUS >> is Purity ( THE SAINT of the SAINTS – or HOLY of the HOLY, or HOLYMOST) the most CLEAN spirit .. Jesus. or ADAM – PURUSHA .. te ORIGINAL man as created by the Creator .

Alchemy brings vision . and was MASTER science of the ancient.
Alchemy – the science of Egypt .,. ( The true Egypt – Punt / Sunda…) was the highest science of Atlantis deeming all others to be refletions o fthis oe .. the true science of trasnformation.. capablke of forging gods..

Alchemy .. ridding a MIND of the poisoning LEAD into the freeing GOLD >> trasnforms MAN into GODS>. but not independetly of Religion and Yoga. LIFE DEMANDS YOGA AND FAITH><> or the path is never taken..

now .. whoever enters .. it .. sooner or later . doe achieve the marvels of VISION >>

Antonio Roberto nice article pak Ahmad.. (Mystical core…)
IMHO the solution for the DUALITY problem is to see the THRINE = TRIAD that also occurs..

ALL duality is inded fruit of MIND .. or rather of BRAIN . .that has .. knwingly TWO HEMISPHERES>> >so we are AMBIGUOUS > and compose for AMBIENTS>

All is dual – inside MIND – as MIND IS DUAL ( Emotion / reason .. Right Brain / Left Brain…

even the WORLD has “TWO SIDES”.. OCCIDENT and ORIENT >>
as Universe also has two sides . (we can see it in its symbol.. the “eight” = Actually it is the “Infinity symbol” (∞) for DUALITY MAKES IT ALL INFINITE>> while technically we all know THE UNIVERSE IS FINITE > and for this reason has this name “UNIVERSE”.. for being it “ONE CODE”.. one “verb”..
MIND DISAMBIGUATES and creates all ambiguity.. all duality .

for this reason there is DIALOGUE .. DISCUSSION . .DICOTOMIES> duality is in all>

day / Night.
FAther Mother..
Sun MOon..

Now . .it is all also THRINE >.!!!!
Day = Morning + Afternoon + Night time.,.
Family = Father + Mother + Son…
Solar system = Sun + Moon + Earth..

in fact .. duality can be implied from singularity .. and PLURALITY is a consequence . this is MIND Process. to DISAMBIGUATE> .(DISTINGUISH) = IDENTIFY (separate)

MIND DISAMBIGUATES ALL THE TIME trying to RESOLVE (separate) ambient or environment ( context )

we learn in MYA that all are instances of each other.. REFLECTIONS that reverberate
being a mere MIRROR .,. a Universe is always DUAL
for this reason we see all in duality .

the supreme goal is to DISAMBIGUATE >> REUNITE>
as reunite SOUL and SPIRIT into ONE

so .. like all the GODS OF SUNDA> they are ONE . and also they are a PAIR (both Himself and His Consort..>) and also .. they are Three. ( Father Son and Spirit) a FAMILY >. made of many instances.. but ONE SPIRIT>> one essence.. one lineage.. a continuation ( the spirit of the thing.. its essence… ) being merelty .. one CODE>

seeing DUALITY is easy .. seeing THRINES is a consequence. .seeing plurality in the all the ONE . .is a must.

Ahmad Yanuana SamanthoAhmad Yanuana Samantho yes the thrine is The ONE, The absolute Existence of REALITY, The one God
ADAM – Expression of ALLAH / ELLOHIM (EL) – The ALL.

The ALL is PAN to ancient Sundaland..

PAN is the true God. The Father .. the UNIVERSE> (The Whole)
Religion independent.. very differnt thatn Jehova = JAWA = Jhvh “The Volcano” God of Sunda…)

Jehova (Or Javeh, or Jhvh) is the “God of the Armies”.. the God of War.
while Elohim (Allah) is the God of peace.. the Universe – Pan.,

Now .. gods and their names – or concepts vanish in time and change.. together with the multiple civlizations that inherit the concept and change.. in time .

The ORIGINAL concept however stays.
Origin = Orient.
Origin Orients… – ths will ever change…

Only SOURCE of this story can explain it better.

True source is SUNDA>.; the true SET OF THE BILBICAL EVENTS >

Now .. Jehova ( Javeh, or Jawa) was the name of a Volcano (Krakatau’s father, the orginal not ANAK Krakatau. ). the one which exploded in its wrath… causing the Flood.

Krakatau was Atlas , and was also a “God”. Just as we ourselves name places and monuments ., and geografical accidents after power names… the ancient named everything. including the stars . the names we use today.. and all gods.

Now . .their names are meaningful.. instead,. .we forget their attirbutes.

All gods are REFLECTIONS of Brahama.. the ALL> (or “Pan” to the pagan. to the traditional / aboriginal cultures. )

Arysio has shown that PAN is the same as the god of the American Natives Tupan. .

TUIPAN is the UNIVERSE> so the concept is clear.. THE GOD FATHER IS THE ALL> PANCASILA – all religions reunited.. for they are mere fragments.. as all gods are mere fragments of Brahma .

Originally SUNDALAND was aland of diversity , and many religions . were ONE . ALL+ONE . ALL IS ONE and ONE IS ALL> was the true religion ..>
The religion of the ANCESTRAL was to VALUE ANCESTRY ..
and respect all views . as in PANCASILA>. based in the DUALITY PRINCIPLE of SANGHYANG >

this all was advanced to concepts that toke MILLENNIA to develop and resulted in something .. now lost… but still in existence.

the MODEL to make survive distinct viewsw..

and reunite ALLAH (Universe in Peace) + JEHOVAH (War and Force>>

Allah – same as ELOHIM of the Jews.. is seeking ADAM (ADAMUS) the perfect man .. same as JEWs..(JEW is from Sanskrit “Yud” = “warrior”) and the QUEST OF THE JEWS IS THE SAME AS THE MUSLIMS ..> these two,, the most religious people on earth.. the most ancient .. and all .. from a same origin . .ORIENT > .SUNDA><

ABRAHAM – father of religions . was the first prophet after Adam .. he was, like Moses the one who could talk to God (who, in Moses case, was a volcano) and from God’s wrath., the Flood was sent.

Now. .the Flood was caused by this religious problem. .that gfenerated a war .. that culminated in a major destruction.. the loss of the paradise. island .. and House of God .( AL JAZERRA / EL JERUSALEM.. = SALAAM = SHALOM = PEACCE>. .. .gone …

Intersting to see is that both ABRAHAM (No – Brahma – One single God…= “The One”) and Brahma (Multiple Gods..= “the All”) are concepts from SUNDA>

Now . “MY GOD IS MORE POWERFUL THAN YOUR GOD” was a concept of a more modern view, that caused WAR>
and destruction .. and loss.. andf FALL from PARADISE>

The end of that Era of Gold . occured in a NUCLEAR WAR>>
as some know.. as is told in myth and can be verified nowadays …

This caused thew disrupture and loss.
.as they dropped an H BOMB inside Krakatau and exploded the very GOD of the Era of Sunda or of their pagans. .

This war still has consequences of separation . and of ignorance. and Wisdom became a rare thing on this earth. .

Du’a Pantun Bogor


Tafsir Uga Wangsit Siliwangi dan Kebangkitan Nusantara

Posted by Ahmad Yanuana Samantho on in Atlantis Sunda Land

Kebangkitan Nusantara–ngadegna Pajajaran Anyar–telah diprediksi oleh Prabu Raga Mulya Suryakancana ketika sisa-sisa pasukan Pajajaran mundur ke arah Selatan pada 1579. Tersurat dalam Wangsit Siliwangi, kebangkitan itu akan terjadi setelah empat jalan lima kali seratus tahun. Bila dunia memandang prediksi hancurnya menara kembar WTC, New York, sebagai ramalan spektakuler dari Nostradamus, maka tak kalah spektakulernya adalah apa yang diprediksi Prabu Siliwangi terakhir itu. Periodisasi Sejarah Nusantara sejak kedatangan orang Eropa (kebo bule) sampai dengan Raja Panyelang, membuktikan kredibilitas dan kecermatan prediksinya.

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Aset Kerajaan Sunda di Pusaran Sejarah Dunia

SEJARAH DAN SILSILAH KEMAHARAJAAN SUNDA NUSANTARA (Periode Sebelum Masehi s/d awal berdirinya Kerajaan Pajajaran)

Posted by Ahmad Yanuana Samantho on in Atlantis Sunda Land, Ekonomi, Freemasory dan Zionisme, Ibrah Sejarah, Politik, Sejarah Islam di Jawa Barat

Menurut cerita yang beredar di kalangan para sesepuh Sunda, runtutan para Buyut dan Rumuhun (Karuhun/Leluhur/Nenek Moyang) perjalanan bangsa Sunda di awali dari daerah Su-Mata-Ra. Mereka membangun kebudayaan selama beribu-ribu tahun di kawasan Mandala Hyang (Mandailing) daerah Ba-Ta-Ka-Ra sampai ke daerah Pa-Da-Hyang (Padang) pada periode 100.000 – 74.000 Sebelum Masehi. Pada masa tersebut para Karuhun tersebut telah memeluk ajaran yang disebut dengan nama “Su-Ra-Yana” atau ajaran Surya. Hingga satu masa Gunung Batara Guru meletus hingga habis, dan meninggalkan sisa Kaldera yang sekarang menjadi danau (Toba) yang sangat luas (100 Km2). Diberitakan dunia tertutup awan debu selama 3 bulan akibat meletusnya gunung tersebut.

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Posted by Ahmad Yanuana Samantho on in Atlantis Sunda Land, Ibrah Sejarah

Pengantar Redaksi:

“Di bawah ini ada wacana yang “Out of the Box”  tentang sejarah Sunda Nusantara.Perlu diteliti lagi kebenarannya dan konteks kesejarahnnya?  Pertanyaanya yang muncul setelah membaca wacana ini:

“Terus Bagaimana dengan nasib NKRI yang telah leluhur kita perjuangkan bersama dengan darah dan airmata sejak kebangkitan Nasional 1928 sampai kepada Puncaknya di Proklamasi kemerdekaan RI 17 Agustus 1945 ?” (Ahmad Y. Samantho)


Secara geohistoris sekitar 86 juta tahun sebelum masehi, daratan/ dangkalan/ benua SUNDA masih nyatu dengan daratan India (Asia) sampai ke New Guinea (P. Papua). bahwa sejak ± tahun 130 Masehi pada saat itu sudah ada pemerintahan   Kerajaan Maha Raja Sunda yaitu Sunda Nusantara dengan ibukota negara di Salaka Nagara (Bantam/Banten). Kemudian perkembangan Kerajaan Maha Raja Sunda berlajut terus hingga sekitar abad ke-4 yang di kenal dengan nama Kerajaan Maha Raja Sunda Taruma Nagara dan pada saat itu sudah di kenal oleh Kerajaan China (Tingkok) dengan sebutan (lafad) Tiongkok Cina menyebutnya TO LO MO.

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Legenda Kanjeng Ratu Kidul dan Nyi Roro Kidul: Imperium Maritim Nusantara Kuno

Legenda Kanjeng Ratu Kidul dan Nyi Roro Kidul: Imperium Maritim Nusantara Kuno

Sekadar untuk memperluas wawasan ttg alam semesta ciptaan Allah SWT, Mungkin mitos dan legenda ini memiliki nilai simbolisme metaforis (siloka) Kedigayaan Imperium Maritim Nusantara tempo dulu seperti kata mas Radhar Panca Dahana. Kita tak sendirian di planet bumi ini. Laa hauwla wa laa Quwwata illa billahi Aliiyil Adzim.

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Musik Tradisional Sunda era Prabu Siliwangi Raja Pakuan Pajajaran

Posted by Ahmad Yanuana Samantho on in Atlantis Sunda Land, Budaya & Sastra, Falsafah,Film Movie, Hikmah, Ibrah Sejarah, Lingkungan dan Pelestarian Budaya, Mufakat Budaya Indonesia, Seni Musik,Tolenransi Bhineka Tunggal Ika

Seni budaya Sunda, khususnya seni pertunjukan musik tradisional Sunda era Prabu Siliwangi Raja Pakuan Pajajaran, selain enak didengar telinga, dan di hati,juga dapat mencerahkan akal-pikiran dan nurani spiritual kita, karena sangat memperkaya diri dengan pencerahan batin para penikmatnya, mampu membawa ke alam Makrifatullah, bahkan Fana-baqo Fillah (Manunggaling kawulo lan Gusti/Lebur manunggal di dalam/tercelup di sibghah samudra eksitensi Ketuhanan). Rahayu Sagung Dhumadhi, Mulih ka Jati Mulang Ka Asal, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun. Semoga para turunannya semua mampu mencerap dan menghayatinya sehingga terwujud “Sunda Sa’amparen Jagat”/ “Hamengku Buwono” (Rahmatan lil Alamin/ God Blessing for the Universe and Cosmic ) sebagai Khalifatullah fi al Ardh “Pajajaran Anyar”. Pitontonen dan pitutunten Seni Budaya di Bale Prabu Siliwangi Pakuan Pajajaran Ciawi Gadog Sabtu Malam, 3 September 2016.

Alunan tangisan suling yang rindu pada rumpun bambu induknya. Itulah perjalanan ruhaniyah manusia yang sejatinya, rindu pulang ke Asal-Nya.

Benarkah Sunda Pajajaran Adalah Kerajaan Hindu?

6 Mei 2012 | 7:45 WIB | 686 Views

KrisnaPajajaran, sebuah kerajaan yang pernah eksis di tatar Sunda, dikenal oleh khalayak sebagai kerajaan Hindu. Bila merujuk pada buku-buku pelajaran Sejarah yang digunakan di sekolah maupun instansi pendidikan umumnya, maka Pajajaran akan diletakkan dalam kategori kerajaan Hindu-Budha yang pernah berjaya di bumi nusantara. Mungkin tidak terpikir oleh kita bahwa sejarah resmi yang diyakini oleh mainstream masyarakat tersebut sebenarnya masih menjadi perdebatan hingga kini.